DIFFUL SOLAR PUMP---New workshop of our difful factory

DIFFUL SOLAR PUMP---New workshop of our difful factory

Due to the expanding of the volume of business, our company pushed out new products of swimming pool solar pump, domestic vortex solar pump, JET solar power pump and centrifugal solar pump successively. To make the production process more efficiently. Our company set new workshop only for the new solar products and bought new device. By the end of May, our new workshop will come into use. Since the Ningbo branch company founded, our sales performance rose 15% during the peak sales season comparing to the last year when the branch company was just founded. So we seized this opportunity to expand the production line.

dc burshless solar pump
solar power pump
solar heater pump manufacturer

After May, all of our solar production will be made in this new factory, a part of device will be removed to this new factory. If you have any interests to our production or our factory, welcome to visit our new factory.


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